My Dear Friends of Jesus suffering in thousands poor victims of 5 cyclones, under the care of Fr Pedro!
Here below, a very heartfelt message of gratitude from Fr Pedro in a very easy to understand French and his video message ending in English:
Cher Jan, voici un vidéo pour remercier nos donnateurs à Sydney pour leur générosité et geste solidaire. Nous pourrons aider souvent comme ce matin grâce votre aide de 35 .000 dollars australiens. Cela fait chaud au coeur que de frères et sœurs de Sydney nous ont envoyé ce don, en plus de l’aide que vous nous envoyez chaque année.
Cette année c’était dure pour les pauvres avec 5 Cyclones. Mais votre Charité était au rendez-vous.
De tout coeur Merci père Jan et toute ton équipe! Joyeuses fêtes de Pâques!
Le Christ Ressuscité nous donne la force et la grâce de continuer à construire le Royaume de Dieu déjà ici et maintenant.
En union de prière durant cette Semaine Sainte, Cher Jan, reçois un fuerte abrazo !
P. Pedro
My Dear Friends of beautiful hearts!
On the 31st of March, we concluded our 2 months appeal to bring emergency help to over 2 thousands victims of inundations, the result of 4 cyclones which ravaged the Island of Madagascar at the beginning of this year 2022.
Our generosity is a wonderful example of an amazing solidarity with those who lost everything of the little they had.
Trusting in God and turning to Fr Pedro for help and thanks to our compassion ‘in action’, they have found emergency relief until they are able to go back to rebuild their lives from ‘Zero’…
Our donations went towards providing them with one humble meal a day, one blanket per person to protect themselves against the cold, a place to rest at night and medications in case of need.
I am very humbled by your generous response to this appeal and grateful for your friendship and trust which bound us together (in spite of our own difficulties) in bringing an Australian ‘fair go’ to those in urgent need of it.
May the Good Lord remember us one day at the time of His Visitation (end of our journey in this world!), and recognise in us his compassionate friends!
Yours grateful in Christ: Fr Jan
P.S. For details of this appeal, please see the following text in this section of the Emergency window. For the privacy reasons I only included the initials of donors, and for transparency the date and the amount. At the end are copies of the 7 bank transfers of money from my account into the Akamasoa account from which Fr Pedro has helped our beautiful Brothers in Christ in their need.
Dear Friends of Goodness and Compassion,
For almost three years, the Grand South of Madagascar had been suffering from severe drought resulting in terrible famine and death of starvation… External help could not reach all those in trouble.
In January this year, the drought broke and it started to rain! Thank God, those in the South, were able to go into the fields to plant everything they could in the hope of a better future regarding survival in their very precarious condition of life (the majority live in extreme poverty!).
But on the Highland, there is a different story!
In the lower parts of the capital (Antananarivo) there is a devastating inundation… right next to Akamasoa, where Fr Pedro for the last 33 years has been looking after the holistic development of 25000 of the poorest of the poor.
Fr Pedro is now confronted by a tragedy of sinister proportion in his own ‘backyard’ where thousands of people living in an extreme poverty, have literally lost everything!!!
See: his commentary and photos on his website in Actualités, 24 janvier: (
Five years ago in 2017, we generously helped the victims of ENAWO Cyclone (see: <> in Emergency).
Even as we go personally through a hard time, I would like to appeal to all of us, each according to their means, to extend our helpful hands with compassionate hearts to help our dear brothers and sisters in Christ, our dear friends in Humanity.
Whatever we can, even a little ‘penny’, added to those with more possible generosity, will make a great difference to our terribly suffering Malagasy.
Fr Pedro is confronted with the need for emergency help to be given to 240 families (1687 people) who have lost everything…!
As we did 5 years ago, please transfer your donations directly into my account with this obligatory mention: for the inundation victims at Akamasoa, or cheque addressed into my full name (Jan Chrzczonowicz) with a clear mention as above. If cash given, the same have to be marked on the envelope with your full name.
In two weeks, I will transfer our total directly from my account into the Akamasoa account with the mention: for the inundation victims at Akamasoa. This will avoid these funds being mixed up with our yearly help for the education of the 16000 children at Akamasoa.
For transparency purpose, we will be able to follow the progress of the amount of our generous donations on in Emergency.
Here are the details for our donations:
BSB number: 082-490
Account number: 63-613-8988
From overseas:
BIC/SWIFT : NATAAU3302S Address : Shop 11-13, Stockland Town Centre Polding St, Wetherill Park NSW 2164
Hoping in our prompt and compassionate response, I remain yours grateful in Christ: Fr Jan
29 January 5000.00 (J.C; bank transfer)
30 January 50.00 (HLJ.W; cash)
30 January 100.00 (M.A; cash)
30 January 200.00 (AM.G; bank transfer)
30 January 50.00 (M.C-B; cash)
3 February 100.00 (VP.B; cash)
4 February 100.00 (A.N; cash)
4 February 300.00 (A.C; cash)
4 February 200.00 (C.P,S.F; bank transfer)
4 February 500.00 (N.S; cash)
4 February 100.00 (C.S; bank transfer)
5 February 170.00 (S.F; cash)
5 February 200.00 (MN.J; bank transfer)
5 February 200.00 (E.S; bank transfer)
6 February 100.00 (R.P; cash)
6 February 20.00 (A.Z;25 cash)
6 February 25.00 (MG.V; cash)
6 February 25.00 (G.DD; cash)
6 February 80.00 (B.C; cash)
6 February 100.00 (M.T; cash)
6 February 1,470.00 (RJ.C; cash)
8 February 500.00 (NA.M; bank transfer)
9 February 200.00 (MA.M; cash)
9 February 5000.00 (anonymous; bank transfer)
9 February 100.00 (V.S; cash)
9 February 50.00 (PG.C; bank transfer)
11 February 200.00 (V.L; cash)
11 February 300.00 (LM.S; bank transfer)
11 February 300.00 (N.KwokHH; cash)
13 February 50.00 (SL.A; cash)
14 February 300.00 (F.C; bank transfer)
14 February 200.00 (LO.S; cash)
14 February 50.00 (B.V; cash)
15 February 300.00 (V.S; cash)
15 February 5100.00 (anonymous; cash)
16 February 1200.00 (NL.S; cash)
16 February 100.00 (C.A; bank transfer)
18 February 100.00 (MM.F; bank transfer)
18 February 500.00 (anonymous; cash)
19 February 100.00 (G.K; bank transfer)
20 February 6000.00 (anonymous; cash)
22 February 50.00 (anonymous; cash)
23 February 100.00 (T.M; cash)
24 February 50.00 (B.V; cash)
24 February 200.00 (N.C; cash)
24 February 200.00 (R.L; cash)
24 February 300.00 (M.P; cheque)
26 February 600.00 (JF.D; cheque)
1 March 100.00 (TD.K; cash)
3 March 200.00 (LO.S; cash)
4 March 100.00 (R.R; cash)
5 March 300.00 (anonymous; cash)
5 March 500.00 (R.R; cash)
7 March 255.00 (S.F; cash)
10 March 100.00 (AM.P; cash)
12 March 20.00 (J.K; cash)
12 March 50.00 (J.W; cash)
12 March 150.00 (DS.D; cash)
18 March 100.00 (SC.J; bank transfer)
19 March 100.00 (V.L; cash)
20 March 50.00 (anonymous; cash)
21 March 300.00 (V.S; bank transfer)
23 March 100.00 (J.T; cash)
23 March 200.00 (A.M; cash)
24 March 50.00 (K.P; cash)
27 March 100.00 (HLJ.W; cash)
30 March 550.00 (S.M; cash)
31 March 200.00 (G.V; cash)
31 March 235.00 (J.C; bank transfer)
Total: 35,000.00
I. International transfer details
Bank acknowledgement details
Confirmation number: A1005417287
Created: 29/01/22
Your transfer details
Payment reference: 3039TT30W2143605
From account: 0082490636138988/082-490 63-613-8988
Amount deducted from your account: AUD 5,010.00
Transfer amount: EUR 3,021.00
Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 0.60420 EUR
Payment fee: AUD 10.00
Beneficiary name and address:
ASSOCIATION HUMANITAIRE AKAMASOA Route Nationale PK8 2 Andralanitra Antananarivo 101 Madagascar MADAGASCAR
Beneficiary account: MG46000053600322328240160
Beneficiary bank SWIFT/BIC Code: CLMDMGMG
Country of beneficiary’s bank: MADAGASCAR
Description of transfer: gift
Message to beneficiary: gift for the inundation victims
Transfer date: 31/01/22
II. International transfer details
Bank acknowledgement details
Confirmation number: P7308545245
Created: 09/02/22
Your transfer details
Payment reference: 3039TT30W2196399
From account: 0082490636138988/082-490 63-613-8988
Amount deducted from your account: AUD 5,010.00
Transfer amount: EUR 3,012.40
Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 0.60240 EUR
Payment fee: AUD 10.00
Beneficiary name and address
ASSOCIATION HUMANITAIRE AKAMASOA Route Nationale PK8 2 Andralanitra Antananarivo 101 Madagascar MADAGASCAR
Beneficiary account: MG46000053600322328240160
Beneficiary bank SWIFT/BIC Code: CLMDMGMG
Country of beneficiary’s bank: MADAGASCAR
Description of transfer: gift
Message to beneficiary: for the inundation victims
Transfer date: 09/02/22
III. International transfer details
Bank acknowledgement details
Confirmation number: Q3296248886
Created: 14/02/22
Your transfer details
Payment reference: 3039TT30W2219921
From account: 0082490636138988/082-490 63-613-8988
Amount deducted from your account: AUD 5,010.00
Transfer amount: EUR 3,024.90
Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 0.60490 EUR
Payment fee: AUD 10.00
Beneficiary name and address:
ASSOCIATION HUMANITAIRE AKAMASOA Route Nationale PK8 2 Andralanitra Antananarivo 101 Madagascar MADAGASCAR
Beneficiary account: MG46000053600322328240160
Beneficiary bank SWIFT/BIC Code: CLMDMGMG
Country of beneficiary’s bank: MADAGASCAR
Description of transfer: gift
Message to beneficiary: inundation victims
Transfer date: 14/02/22
IV. International transfer details
Bank acknowledgement details
Confirmation number: C3329906885
Created: 15/02/22
Your transfer details
Payment reference: 3039TT30W2231112
From account: 0082490636138988/082-490 63-613-8988
Amount deducted from your account: AUD 5,010.00
Transfer amount: EUR 3,027.35
Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 0.60540 EUR
Payment fee: AUD 10.00
Beneficiary name and address
ASSOCIATION HUMANITAIRE AKAMASOA Route Nationale PK8 2 Andralanitra Antananarivo 101 Madagascar MADAGASCAR
Beneficiary account: MG46000053600322328240160
Beneficiary bank SWIFT/BIC Code: CLMDMGMG
Country of beneficiary’s bank: MADAGASCAR
Description of transfer: gift
Message to beneficiary: inundation victims help
Transfer date: 15/02/22
V. International transfer details
Bank acknowledgement details
Confirmation number: L4097224815
Created: 20/02/22
Your transfer details
Payment reference: 3039TT30W2257200
From account: 0082490636138988/082-490 63-613-8988
Amount deducted from your account: AUD 5,010.00
Transfer amount: EUR 3,051.00
Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 0.61020 EUR
Payment fee: AUD 10.00
Beneficiary name and address:
ASSOCIATION HUMANITAIRE AKAMASOA Route Nationale PK8 2 Andralanitra Antananarivo 101 Madagascar MADAGASCAR
Beneficiary account: MG46000053600322328240160
Beneficiary bank SWIFT/BIC Code: CLMDMGMG
Country of beneficiary’s bank: MADAGASCAR
Description of transfer: gift
Message to beneficiary: inundation victims help
Transfer date: 21/02/22
VI. International transfer details
Bank acknowledgement details
Confirmation number: M1871765628
Created: 24/02/22
Your transfer details
Payment reference: 3039TT30W2284838
From account: 0082490636138988/082-490 63-613-8988
Amount deducted from your account: AUD 5,010.00
Transfer amount: EUR 3,089.55
Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 0.61791 EUR
Payment fee: AUD 10.00
Beneficiary name and address:
ASSOCIATION HUMANITAIRE AKAMASOA Route Nationale PK8 2 Andralanitra Antananarivo 101 Madagascar MADAGASCAR
Beneficiary account: MG46000053600322328240160
Beneficiary bank SWIFT/BIC Code: CLMDMGMG
Country of beneficiary’s bank: MADAGASCAR
Description of transfer: gift
Message to beneficiary: inundation victims help
Transfer date: 24/02/22
VII. International transfer details
Bank acknowledgement details
Confirmation number: S5200948112
Created: 31/03/22
Your transfer details:
Payment reference: 3039TT30W2486522
From account: 0082490636138988/082-490 63-613-8988
Amount deducted from your account: AUD 5,010.00
Transfer amount: EUR 3,246.60
Exchange rate: 1 AUD = 0.64932 EUR
Payment fee: AUD 10.00
Beneficiary name and address:
ASSOCIATION HUMANITAIRE AKAMASOA Route Nationale PK8 2 Andralanitra Antananarivo 101 Madagascar MADAGASCAR
Beneficiary account: MG46000053600322328240160
Beneficiary bank SWIFT/BIC Code: CLMDMGMG
Country of beneficiary’s bank: MADAGASCAR
Description of transfer: gift
Message to beneficiary: inundation victims help
Transfer date: 31/03/22
My Dear Friends!
Every year, from January to April, Madagascar is pray to the terrifying power of cyclones, hitting this already poor country with even more misery and suffering.
This year, 2017, Cyclone ENAWO went through Madagascar on 7th March with the devastating force of the wind reaching 300 km/h. Some parts of the Island suffered 80% destruction (Sava).
Antananarivo (capital of Madagascar) suffered landslides and thousands of fragile dwellings disappeared in floods, leaving thousands of people losing all the possessions and looking for shelter in school buildings and in a large sport halls. Lack of drinking water, sanitary facilities and some basic medicines aggravated the tragedy.
Akamasoa wasn’t spared from this disaster neither!
Appealing for help, Fr Pedro spoke of collapsed retaining walls, latrines and showers… Damaged roofs and fallen electricity poles creating a very dangerous environment for children.
The majority of families at Akamasoa survive on an income of $1/day and in consequence the day after the passage of the cyclone, still under the heavy rain, mothers of families went to work at the quarries…
Fr Pedro wrote: “Seeing the courage of these women, we cannot remain indifferent and insensitive. I myself was moved this morning by seeing the courage of the mothers of families. When I told them to go home they said, “… and what are our children going to eat?”. Helping such mothers is an act of compassion and natural justice.”
Fr Pedro continue: “This population trapped in poverty pushes us to stand up against the selfishness and the injustices done to the poorest of the poor. Let us help by love and compassion especially the children who are so numerous in this precious island of Madagascar.
I sincerely hope that this appeal for the victims of cyclone Enawo will be heard in France and elsewhere by those who are generous and sensitive to the plight of others. (…)
We cannot stay with our arms crossed when our brothers suffer the lack of everything: a roof, drinking water, rice, blankets, clothes and medicines. The most practical, quick and direct way to help is to send financial aid, since sending aid by container will take too long and will arrive too late with all the troubles that are known at the customs.
It is wonderful to see faith and fraternity translated into action!
May the Lord bless all those brothers and sisters who will help their neighbour!
Long live Brotherhood and long live Sharing!
Fr Pedro”
[slideshow_deploy id=’2336′]
This moving appeal, echoed through my emails or personal contact on Sunday celebrations of the Eucharist, provided wonderful helpful gift to our poorest of the poor: $10,500.00 sent by me directly to the account of Akamasoa on the 11th & 13th April (respectively $8500.00 & $2000.00) and 3,000.00 euro sent from Europe in answer to our appeal and $1000 was deposited into the SFRCC account and will be forwarded with funds to be raised at our next Charity Night on the 28 October.
These are the details of the aid we provided:
- Austral 320.00
- Belfield 389.00
- Campbelltown 1000.00
- Davidson 256.00
- Kensington 776.55
- Kings Pk 487.99
- Ryde 2000.00
- Smithfield 1065.00
- Personal 4205.46
- TOTAL 10,500.00
One day, may all who contributed to this heartfelt cry for help, be rewarded by the Lord who said: ‘I tell you, whenever you did this for one of the least important of these brothers of mine, you did it for me!’ (Mt 25,40)
With gratefulness in Christ: Fr Jan
P.S. For more information, please, visit: from our Links
19 April 2017
THANK YOU SO MUCH, for the wonderful news of sending us $10,500 for the cyclone’s victims!
There are always very nice surprises sent by God’s Providence.
We received 1000 euro from Br Patrick from Malesia (his Religious Community in Europe) and 2000 euros from Paris. Many thanks to you all!
I continue my ‘many thanks’ to all who participated in this emergency fundraising and didn’t give up the opportunity to help their brothers and sisters in difficulties.
Before I go to have a little rest, I’d like to say to you all (in Australia and in Europe), of my joy at this good news of having so many generous friends. You are constantly in our prayers!
I can assure you, we will use this money to buy the construction materials: cement, corrugated iron, stones, bricks and timber!
It was just brought to my attention that 6 new street children came to ask if they could stay with us at Akamasoa, children aged between 9 and 11… of course, we accepted them!
Recently 25 children who had been living on the streets spontaneously came to us and now we have to take care of them: educate, clothe, feed, provide medical care and shelter with beds, mattresses, blankets and have at least 2 people looking after them.
Definitely, it is a new God given project and your help has come from Heaven at the same time! I can do nothing but thank God for His help through the generosity of so many people of good will and open hearts like you have towards those who survive with so little that it challenges our imagination.
With gratitude and prayer: Fr Pedro
Dear Friends,
Our prompt and generous response to the distress call from Fr Pedro after a catastrophic passage of cyclone ‘Chedza’ last January 2015, brought a beautiful result as seen on these few pictures…
[slideshow_deploy id=’1780′].
” src=”″ title=”gallery type=”slideshow” link=”none” ids=”1100,1101,1102,1103,1104,1105,1106,1107,1108,1109,1110,1111″”>
On behalf of Fr Pedro and those who are grateful to enjoy our faithful friendship providing them with very basic and dignifying shelters enabling adults to work and their children to continue education, I simply say THANK YOU, may the Almighty GOD bless you and ONE DAY reward your benevolence !
Fr Jan (1August 2015)
Cry for help from AKAMASOA
Dear Friends,
Few months ago Fr Pedro shared with us his pain resulting from the catastrophic passage of the ‘Chedza’ cyclone through the center of Madagascar.
Thanks God, we opened our generous hearts and as a result, we ‘harvested’ $16250…
SFRCC sent directly into Akamasoa account $6000 (EUR 4080) on the 24th April.
The rest of our donations ($10250), after deduction of 10% administrative and a transfer fees: $9,188.52 (EUR 7,148.65) was sent through the Catholic Mission on the 26th May.
On the 25 April, Fr Pedro wrote these beautiful words:
‘Cher Jan !
Merci pour ce Don pour les sinistrés d’Akamasoa ! J’ai été chez eux il y a 3 jours dans le Village d’Ampasika, où il y a 135 familles qui ont presque tout perdu !
Avec votre aide nous allons faire de maison en bois pour que les familles puissent ensuite quand ils auront les moyens construire plus durablement !
Cela risque de se faire attendre quelques années, durant ce temps les maisons en bois qu’on fait pourront durer jusqu’à 10 ans ! Il faut faire ces maisons en bois et des latrines pour chaque famille !
Jan, la générosité des amis de Sydney me touche beaucoup !
L’entraide est une réalité quand les gens ont confiance parce qu’ils savent que leurs dons arrivent à destination !
Avec votre aide nous allons construire au moins 1O maisons en bois de 5 mètres par 3 mètres de large, plus une latrine ! Le toit est en tôles !
Nous allons vous envoyer des photos quand elles seront finies !
Encore une fois MERCI à tous ceux qui ont participé dans cette collecte exceptionnelle pour aider nos familles très éprouvées !
Jan, voici une interview parue aujourd’hui à la une, en 1ère page, des Nouvelles, journal :
Bonne réception !
P. Pedro’
Dear Friends,
On Thursday (26 February) we had raised $4900 dollars for Akamasoa (see : : Events – 17th Charity Night ) .
In January this year Madagascar suffered devastating passage of ‘Chedza’ cyclone bringing torrential rain through February: almost 80000 homeless and dozens dead people as a result.
Fr Pedro needs our help for his/our poor victims of this natural disaster and I believe we can answer…
[slideshow_deploy id=’1794′].
” src=”″ title=”gallery type=”slideshow” ids=”1021,1020,1018,1019,1017,1016,1015,1014,1013,1012,1011,1010,1009,1008,1007,1006,1005,1003,1002″”>
[slideshow_deploy id=’1821′]
Given the tragic situation and urgency, I have thought to organise a fund rising (if possible) by sending money to the accounts of SFRCC – see the same website in the ‘window’ : DONATIONS for direct transfer or by sending the check addressed to “SFRCC ‘cyclone relief'” as soon as possible, so we could send our ‘Lenten contribution’ to the victims of this tragedy…
Yours gratefully in Christ : Fr. Jan
26 février 2015!
Hier soir toute la nuit a pluie torrentiellement ! Depuis 2 mois nous avons la pluie presque tous les jours ! La terre est déjà trempé d’eau, elle ne peut plus en recevoir ! Les maisons qui ont été construites par les familles pauvres avec ses modestes moyens ,tombent une après les autres! Cette nuit de dizaines des maisons dans les Villages de Ampasika se sont effondré et d’autres inondées! Il y a des murs de soutènement qui sont tombé aussi ! Aujourd’hui seulement nous avons accueillis plus de 500 sinistrés qui vont dormir dans nos salles des écoles Akamasoa! Nous allons nous organiser de façon que ces familles souffrent le moins possible! IL faudra prévoir de riz pour les repas ,l’eau pour boire et l’hygiène etc! La Ville d’ Antananarivo est fortement touché, des barrages et de digues qui ont cédé ,il y a 25 morts et 41.000 sinistrés ! C’est difficile a croire que dans ce temps de progrès inouïs des familles avec des nombreuses enfants vivent dans une situation d’extrême pauvreté! Cela fait mal au cœur et c’est simplement une honte pour tous ceux qui ont dirigé ce pays depuis de l’indépendance ! Ils ont tout simplement oublié leur peuple , leurs propres enfants! Nous avons de travail pour toute une année pour réparer les effets désastreux de cette inondation ! Je suis sur que la solidarité va jouer en faveur des toutes ces familles qui pour la énième fois ils ont presque tout perdu! Puisque ils ont le souffle de vie encore , ils s’en sortirons avec courage et la force de leur amour pour leurs enfants ! Padre Pedro
UPDATE (7th March):
Cher Jan !
Je crois que tu reçu ma lettre de remerciement pour le virement de 20.000 euros que tu nous a envoyé pour le riz , les médicaments ! Encore une fois M E R C I pour cette aide qui nous aide à aider les plus pauvres a ne plus avoir faim , surtout les enfants et soigner les malades !
TU sais qu’ à Tana il y a des grandes inondations ,depuis 50 ans il n’avait pas une telle catastrophe ! Plus de 70.000 sinistrés et de 25 morts par les glissement des terrains et éboulements !
Je t’embrasse au nom de tous les équipe d’ Akamasoa !
Vendredi 6 mars
Cher amis !
Je viens de la Grotte de La Sainte Famille où nous avons célébré à 6 h du matin l’ Eucharistie du premier vendredi du mois de mars ! IL y avait 3.000 personnes présentes ! Apres la messe où nous avons prié pour tous les milliers des sinistrés ,nous avons partagé 1.500 pains , que nous avons divisé en deux pour que chacun ait sa part du pain comme membre d’une seule et même famille de Dieu ! Ce geste que nous réalisons souvent , c’est un acte très symbolique, qui nous rappel à Jésus ,qui le faisait dans son temps ! Ce partage se fait dans un ordre impressionnant , puisque tous les enfants et adultes ont la confiance qu’ils vont recevoir sa part ! ET puisque ce fait dans l’ordre, cela va vite ! En attendant sa part les enfants chantaient avec tout leur cœur ! Durant la messe nous avons prié pour une petite fille, Justine de 12 ans , qui est morte la veille à cause des problèmes graves de cœur ! Cette maladie ne pouvait pas être soigné a Tana ! Apres la messe on m’informe que dans la nuit aussi une maman , Solange de 28 ans est morte soudainement ,laissant 4 enfants ! Elle était sinistré , sa maison qu’elle loué s’est écroulé et nous lui avons donné une petite salle en attandant qu’on lui reconstruise une maison ! Je suis allé prier dans la maison de cette jeune maman , son corps reposait dans la maison de sa maman et j’ai vue dans le mur sur la tète de le défunte une belle image de Sacre Cœur de Jésus ! J’ai pensé , Jésus l’a déjà reçu dans son Royaume et de là ,elle va aider et encourager à ses enfants et sa grande famille ! Elle est vivante ! Dieu n’a pas crée la mort , mais Lui-même est mort sur une croix, crucifié en prenant la place de l’homme dans la personne de Jésus ! Dieu est venu nous accompagner dans le plus grand de nos malheur, qui est la mort ! IL est mort pour nous et il a ressuscité et ainsi tous ceux qui croient en Jésus, fils de Dieu vivrons éternellement ! La vie est un mélange de joies et des tristesses ! Personne se sauve de cela , tous nous y passerons un jour ! Nous allons aider dans tous les domaines a ces deux familles en deuil a long terme ,puisque elles sont vraiment pauvres matériellement ! C’est pour cela que nous sommes là ! Merci à tous les bonnes volontés de nous aider à aider ceux qui souffrent ! Ce dimanche nous allons fêter 8 mars , je jour internationale de la femme ! Comme cela tombe un dimanche , sera très sympathique ! Des milliers des femmes vont participer à notre liturgie et cela sera une grande fête ! La femme support incontournable et inébranlable de tout progrès à Madagascar et en Afrique et dans le monde et pourtant souvent si mal respecté dans sa dignité ! A réfléchir et à nous tous, de changer de mentalité et de conduite !
Cordialement !
P. Pedro
10 March Cher Jan ! Merci pour ta réponse et suis content que les courriers arrivent ! Toute la journée nous avons eu la pluie ! Il y a une dépression tropical , qui a emmené beaucoup de pluie encore ! Pauvres gens qui souffrent , entassés dans les tentes ! Nous avons la chance d’avoir construit pas mal de salles et nous pouvons les céder a recevoir les sinistrés ! Dieu nous aide a prévoir les catastrophes qui nous visitent tous les ans ! L’appel que nous avons lancé grâce à Dieu n’est pas resté sans écho ! Des personnes de l’extérieur et même de l’ intérieur commencent a venir apporter leur obole pour les sinistrés ! Reconstruire leurs maisons cela va prendre du temps ! Pour le moment l’urgence , c’est loger les familles sinistrées dans de salles ,leur donner les aliments nécessaires durant la journée ,les soigner ceux qui sont malades et le reste on verra plus tard ! J’ai vu le site « www. », il est très bien , très claire et attirant ! Bravo , je vous félicite pour cette performance ! Espérons que les personnes de bonne volonté vont réagir positivement et généreusement ! Jan au sujet de ordinateurs pour les étudiants à Akamasoa, si tu n’est pas désespéré de nous envoyer même si dans le trajet il y a des ordinateurs qui disparaissent , et bien alors tu peux essayer encore une fois d’envoyer un autre lot ! Et MERCI pour ton courage ! Tout l’équipe d’ Akamasoa vous redit toute leur sympathie ! Très cordialement ! P. Pedro