Donate to Australians For Madagascar at the Sydney French Roman Catholic Charities.
We help Fr Pedro OPEKA of Madagascar with his endeavours on the outskirts of Antananarivo. His NGO organization called “AKAMASOA” (which means ‘Good Friends’) with the help of thousands of paid professional teachers, health & social workers and many volunteers, provides for around 25000 people (60% children under 15; including orphans and abandoned) jobs (brick homes construction, hand crafts, agriculture, carpentry, mechanics, welding) and education. More details maybe found on: .
Donations are tax deductible.
We will acknowledge your donation and the Catholic Mission will send you a tax deductibility receipt. Please, provide us always with your FULL NAME and your POSTAL / EMAIL address or a phone contact number!
In 2007 our charitable association was registered with NSW government as the “Sydney French Roman Catholic Charities” (CNF/20467) and recognised by the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney.
Please fill the form below when making a donation
Donations by direct (on line/electronic) transfer to the account of our charity association
BSB: 06 2253
Account number: 10181254
or by cheques labelled to ‘Sydney French Roman Catholic Charities’, and mailed to:
SFRCC c/o Fr Jan Chrzczonowicz, 82 George St, South Hurstville NSW 2221 Australia