Monthly Archives: March 2025

27th Fundraising (2025)

My Dear Friends of Akamasoa, the wonderful place where over 20,000 our adopted children under loving care of Fr Pedro OPEKA, find all they need to their holistic (spiritual, intellectual and physical) preparation for their journey in this world.
We are entirely part of this endeavor through our financial and spiritual aid we provide for their education! Thanks God for this amazing privilege!!!

Already we are ‘in action’!
I would say, that majority of us, during the last many years, developed this amazing routine of an irresistible desire to generously support Akamasoa.
We feel and know that it’s a privilege, it’s God’s blessing for us of becoming channels of God’s blessings of Akamasoa…
Another very important reality: these over 20,000 orphans and abandoned children pray every day for their benefactors and the prayer of the innocent hearts are piercing the Heaven obtaining God’s blessings for those in need… Amazing !

I’d like to inform you of the great blessing and joy of this year: Fr Pedro Opeka in person, God willing, will take part at our upcoming 27th Charity Night on 18th October this year.

After 22 years at Liverpool All Saints, and last year Providential hospitality of my brother Jerzy at St Josph’s (Como-Oyster Bay), this time, God’s Providence guided us to OLMC at Mt Pritchard where Fr Delmar Silva PP, facilitated availability of their Parish Hall more suitable to our event regarding the possibility of welcoming easily up to 200 people and having very spacious kitchen, will be very appreciated by those responsible for bringing food to the participants.

As I mentioned couple years ago: if we do our best, God will do the rest! It’s HIS endeavor!

High Tea……….
Sales: ……………..490.00
TOTAL:……….. 3,023.00