Dear Friends of Akamasoa!
After many months of activity from organising the great and ‘Lucky door’ lotteries through to the endless doorknocking of already faithful supporters and potential ones, the time came for the final ‘tune-up’!
This year, instead of the traditional last Saturday of October (31st), we were allocated the Saturday 24th October.
On the day before, from 4.30pm on, the Parish hall at All Saints in Liverpool was taken over by numerous volunteers who gave of their time and talents to prepare it for our event.
For the last 4 years Marie Claire Perrine has been responsible for the running of the kitchen (cleaning before and after the event as well as coordinating donations and the service of food). This year she was helped by her husband Alphonse, Paul Aloir, Juanita and Bill Chidiac, Marcienne Broudou, Rissette Hawes, Danielle and Gervais Joseph, Jocelyne and Hervé Juste, Yves Maugueret and Marie-Noëlle Sidonie.
The hall preparation from cleaning to decoration was coordinated by Jeannette Beaudoin with help from: Peter De Zilva, Sinisita Filitoga, Michele and Bernard Fortin, Mario Iunius, Andrew Jelavic, Françoise and Georges Maurice, Emma and Ghislaine with Gilbert Soler and Helene with Jean Louis Worobec.
Steve Du Casse and Gerard Clement with their sons (Jacques and Kevin) were busy installing their DJ equipment.
On Saturday morning the prizes of both lotteries were brought in and by the afternoon a whole variety of food began fill the kitchen. Three beautiful bouquets of flowers with 15 small ones for the tables were supplied by ‘A & L Florist’ from Bossley Park. Bottles of red and white wine were donated by ‘Valore Cellars’ from Carramar. 170 Orangina bottles were provided by Ghyliane Némorin. Courtesy of ‘Lamonica’ IGA form Haberfield, every table received bottles of sparkling and still water from Italy.
The main providers of multi-variety of food were: Nadia and Laurent Schwarz from ‘Cest Si Bon’ patisserie at Rose Bay; Leanne and Didier Sockeel from ‘Ganache’ patisserie at Castlecrag; Teresa Cuomo from Kearns; Giada and Davide Guariana from ‘Caffeteria Italia’ at Woodpark as well as Sabra and Harry Hunt from ‘Comfort Inn Hunt’s’. We thanks all these people and others for their generosity.
Our MC for the event was Sinisita Filitioga.
The evening started with very a moving message from the representative of His Grace Archbishop Amel Nona from Mosul in Iraq, Fr Joseph Kachappilly followed up with a beautifully sung opening prayer in the ancient Hebrew (Aramaic) by Reverend Subdeacon Rode Hanna. This language, spoken by Jesus is still in use by the descendants of the first Christians from the Jewish diaspora living in Iraq and Syria.
His Excellency Christophe Lecourtier the Ambassador of France was detained in Canberra, but we enjoyed the company of Sister Telesia Talalua (attending to the sick people from Wallis and Futuna in the hospitals of metropolitan Sydney), the Honourable Michael Daley (MP) and his wife Christina, Mr Anthony Knox (Honorary General Consul of Madagascar) and his wife Suzanne, Mr John Mac Coll (honorary adviser at the Assembly of the French Abroad and the President of ‘French Assist NSW’) and his partner Aylene Fraser as well as Mr George Varughese, Vice-Chair of Ethnic Communities Council of NSW who were among our honoured guests.
Apart from wonderful and abundant food and sweets the atmosphere of joyful celebration and familiarity was due to the outstanding performance of Steve Du Casse, the very talented/gifted impersonator of Elvis Presley. He and his beautiful young assistants gave us a most dignified spectacle of an art filled with the message of peace and fraternity!
Steve’s testimony of a great Faith in God’s presence in his life brought to all present that night the message of Hope and serenity!
The photos from this event without date on them, published by courtesy of Pierre Brunet from "Mauritius Studio".
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It is also worth acknowledging the fantastic initiative of our very talented singers: Gerard Clement and his daughter Elsa with Georges Maurice who together with Steve Du Casse, have provided us with a concert of continuous classic and contemporary songs through the evening.
Among around 160 participants, we were happy to welcome the youngest: Fleur Angeliue Howard (18 mounts) and the most senior couple: Liliane and John Dubourdieu (respectively aged 90 and 92 with 66 years of married life!). Wow!!!!! DEO GRATIAS!!!
I would like also to acknowledge the preparation of 10000 lottery tickets by Ian Liddell form ‘Abian Press’ at Smithfield.
Once again with great pleasure and gratitude to the donors of the lottery prizes and my congratulations to the winners I give you the following information:
1. Bowerhaus Pearl necklace/earring set valued at $2000.00 – donated by Elizabeth Lee; won by lottery ticket number: 02160.
2. Oil painting (“Megalong Valley – Blue Mountains” 890x640mm) by David Robert Hill valued at $1800.00 – donated by Joseph Nohra & the Artist. Won by lottery ticket number: 01426.
3. Microwave oven (Dedietrich DME721X) valued at $1,015.00 donated by Maeva & Roger Franchi from «Schmidt Kitchens» Won by lottery ticket number: 01816.
4. Bowerhaus Pearl necklace/earring set valued at $1000.00 – donated by Elizabeth Lee; Won by lottery ticket number: 00051.
5. Voucher $1,000.00 from Harvey Norman – donated by Sharon & Aaron Monks from «360 Degree Marketing Group» Won by lottery ticket number: 07860.
6. Gift Voucher valued at $600 (3 Nights Midweek Accomodation in a Deluxe Room for 2 Including full breakfast at the Peninsula Nelson Bay) from «Valore Cellars» Won by lottery ticket number: 01878.
7. Voucher $500.00 donated by «Cadry’s Persian Carpets Specialists» at Edgecliff valid one year. won by lottery ticket number: 05526.
8. Voucher $500.00 from Myer – donated by Nadia Fortuné Won by lottery ticket number: 02860.
9. Panasonic TV Viera Led 32” valued at $500 from International Ceramics (donated by Dina & Mario Iunius). Won by lottery ticket number: 05073.
10. Gourmet hamper valued at $280.00 – donated by Guy Roose from «Apromo Pty Ldt». Won by lottery ticket number: 02185.
11. Voucher valued at $200.00 for ‘Bella Fonte’ Restaurant at Comfort Inn Hunts Liverpool valid until 30/03/16; donated by Sybra & Harry Hunt. Won by lottery ticket number: 02905.
12. Gift Basket valued at $150.00 – donated by «GJ Food» Won by lottery ticket number: 09601.
13. “Dolci D’oro” hamper valued at $150.00 – donated by ‘Sweet House Confectionery Pty Ltd’ Won by lottery ticket number: 00144.
14. Gift Basket valued at $120.00 – donated by «Petersham Liquor Market». Won by lottery ticket number: 05091.
15. Dinner Voucher for two valued at $100 – at Crown Restaurant (Coronation Club at Burwood) donated by Vijay Baboo. won by lottery ticket n70150umber: 06618.
(Drawn at All Saints Parish Hall, Liverpool – Saturday night, 24h October, 2015)
Thanks be to God for the generosity of hearts, this year we reached $73,995 …
The lottery brought us $19106, the silent auction $1664 and sales (event, Smithfield and Belfield) $881.
Contributions to the ‘Lucky door’ lottery came this time from: Jeannette Beaudoin, Colette Cherval, Michele Fortin, Georges Maurice, Anne-Marie Puaud, Nadia Schwarz, Lise Selvon, Emmanuelle Soler, Ghislaine Soler and Frank Spagnolo. Thanks to their generosity 25 winners went home with a ‘bonus satisfaction’ in their hands.
Worth of appreciation are also Francesca Chow looking after sales with Veronique Empeigne and Peter De Zilva. Our first for that night silent auction was successfully run by John McDivitt and his wife Sharon.
Our only expense was $500 for the hire of the All Saints parish hall, therefore $73,495.00 is God's blessing for Akamasoa from our 2015 charitable dedication.
The 2 November 2015 I was very moved and surprised to open a letter with an unsolicited cheque inside from the Year 9 students from Grace Lutheran College Caboolture QLD who organised a small fundraising project to support our work among the poor at Akamasoa!
What an extraordinary example of ‘Charity without Frontiers’!!!
God bless you, Dear Friends of Jesus suffering in our needy brothers and sisters in Madagascar!
Hopefully, God willing, we will get together again next year on the fourth Saturday of October (22nd) at the same place with Fr Pedro Opeka present among us! Hopefully!
Yours gratefully in Christ: Fr Jan
For the tax deductibility purpose $32,670.00 went through the Catholic Mission with 10% taken for the administration fee.
SFRCC sent directly to Akamasoa $40,825.00 (24 March 2015: $6030 & 20 January 2016: $34,795) without any administration fee because our association is based on the volunteers dedication to our Malagasy Friends in Need.
When our 17th Charity Night on the 24th October this year was still few months away, those moved with love towards the Poor at Akamasoa were not resting!
Thursday, the 26th of February marked this year’s first step in our long journey of solidarity with Fr. Pedro and his/our Family of needed, sick and bearing the scars of all injustices, result of modern:
• deafness to the cry of the poor
• blindness in front of exploitation
• hardheartedness in front of physical and spiritual misery
Betty Lee opened largely the door of her home together with her daughter Elizabeth and Francesca Chow. They invited their Friends of the poor for the “Brunch” at Centennial Park.
It was a celebration, sharing and enjoyment in the Spirit of Life-giving Charity!
From 10am to 3pm, the place was witnessing the serene movement of persons full of compassion and generosity. They were buying the lottery tickets at the main door, spending the money for the poor rewarding themselves with precious artefacts from Madagascar, beautifully crafted by Francesca garments for small and grown children, variety of homemade jams, cookies and even delicious figs which “disappeared” almost instantly – proof of their superior quality! The paramount attraction was a room dedicated to the top of art (!) jewellery, displayed for the acquisition to the connoisseurs of fine style, artistic creation of Betty Lee and her daughter Elizabeth.
All the time participants were abundantly lavished with fried seafood and other delicacies without forgetting variety of cakes and sweets. Champagne, soft drinks, coffee and delicious tea facilitated the warm atmosphere of that gathering.
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I would like, on behalf of Fr. Pedro and his/our adopted beautiful children from Akamasoa, to express my joy and gratitude to Betty Lee and his daughter Elizabeth and Francesca Chow for faithfully, every year, organising this event as well as to all the generous participants who made this “Brunch” so successful!
The outcome is astonishing!
After five hours of ‘celebration’, this is the outcome: $4,900.00! (Lottery: $395; Sales/donations: $4,515)
Hopefully this ‘addition’ will help us to assist Fr. Pedro in his endeavour in providing education and basic health care to the poorest of the poor, our Family in God and in Humanity!
May God bless you all and may He reward one day this ‘glass of water’ we offered to the thirsty in His name (Mt 10,42)!
Yours in Christ: Fr Jan